Monday, April 21, 2014

How to Make Mondays Enjoyable

How do I make my Mondays enjoyable? Simple, I head to the gym. I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by incredible people who make even the hardest workout a good time. But that comes from constantly being at the gym and getting to meet new people all the time. While I'm usually more of an introvert my extroverted side comes out when I'm working out. Something to do with all the extra endorphins I guess. But something about having an encouraging group around you definitely makes a colossal difference.

My gymnastics group is like a second family and the guys I lift with are like a pack of the coolest older brothers a girl could find. So, naturally, when I'm looking to make my Mondays a little more bearable I know working out is gonna be the fix I need.

Today I did a workout I had made up last week that I'm really starting to love. I'm able to tweak it each time I do it so that I'm always challenged. Some days I'll try to set a new record for my 2000m on the rowing machine, or I'll increase weight on my calf raises, or add additional reps for my abs circuit. No matter what I choose to focus on I know this is a great one to target my core and abs without taking up an entire afternoon. I can usually finish in a little under an hour depending on how many breaks I take or how long I choose to stretch out after.

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