Friday, August 22, 2014

Treat Thyself

The world is a pretty zany, fast-paced place. As Ferris Bueler says, "If you don't slow down, you might miss it." With everything moving at the speed of light all around you it's easy to get caught up in everything and forget to take time out for yourself. You wake up early to squeeze in a run before work, come home exhausted after a long day, have dinner, and crash on the sofa until it's time to fall into bed. Whether you closed the deal, won the case, sold the house, taught a room full of students, fixed a car, wrote code, cleaned floors, edited reports, chased your toddler around the living room, suffered through customer service phone calls, or anything in between it's safe to say you had a long day.

You eat right (mostly, pizza last week was more or less necessary), you get enough sleep (that nap during your lunch break totally makes up for the hours you lost last night), you exercise regularly (well, you meant to, but things keep coming up, once a week isn't bad, right?) and yet something is totally draining you.

Even when you come home from vacation you feel the need to take a day or two off to recover before getting back to regular life.

So, please, for all our sakes, take some time for yourself. Pour yourself a glass of something and curl up with that magazine you've been meaning to read since it arrived in your mailbox two weeks ago. Take your dinner on the patio like you've been meaning to all summer before the weather gets too cold. Meet up with the friends you love but haven't seen in weeks. Go out for a hike or a bike or a run in a beautiful place. Take a picnic to the beach, or park, or backyard. Make your favorite meal for the first time in forever. Hire a babysitter and go do that thing you keep wanting to do. 

Whatever you end up doing, give yourself a couple hours to enjoy yourself. To do what you love or try something new. You'll be glad you did, I guarantee it.

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