Monday, January 6, 2014

Compete and Everyone Wins

Everyone has things they hate to do but need to do anyway. For me, it's arm day, for others, it might be cardio, or leg day or working out at all. We've each got that thing we need to be talked into doing.

This past weekend my best friends and I all got together when the subject came up. I had suffered through an upper body workout earlier that day which I would have made much easier if it weren't for Ela working with me and keeping me accountable for doing all four sets and not stopping after the third.

We talked about how had it was to get through our least favorites. How eating right and working out were so much easier back in high school when we played sports and it was all about competing. That got us thinking, what if we could still turn fitness into a competition. We'd all be more likely to go if we were trying to win something.

And that's where the idea emerged. We broke ourselves into three teams of two, based upon where we currently live, and picked three days a week as the number of workouts we each needed to finish each week. For every time we don't get in all our workouts we have to put money in the pot. One dollar for each workout missed. We'll do this each week until summer (mid-May). Each time we finish a workout we have to post it for the group to see. Every workout finished is cause for encouragement by your teammate as well as your opponents, we're still best friends, after all. The team who wins, having the least number of skipped workouts at the end of the challenge, gets to split the money from the pot.

Our goal is for there to not actually be a winner. For everyone to finish successful and having done all their workouts. But we're also former hard core athletes who hate to lose, so we still want to win. We'd just prefer it if everyone could come out the other side of this a healthier, happier version of themselves. Because that's what friends do, challenge you to be the best possible version of yourself.

Ela, Chara, Me, Maggie, and Betsy - 5 of the 6 competitors

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