Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Electricity, Sunsets, and Storms

It's been a bit of a crazy week here in Seattle. We had a massive wind storm which knocked out the power and took down several trees all around the city. Some of the main bridges had to close and generators all over the area hummed to life as we all realized how electricity dependent we truly are.

Though we were only out of power for about 12 hours we were thrilled to have it back on and an extra hour of sleep that night!

Lately I've been running in the afternoon rather than the morning in order to take advantage of the warmer parts of the day. Unfortunately I did not factor in daylights savings when I went for a run on Monday and the sun set while I was still miles away from home! While parts of the trail are lit others are shrouded in trees and there was a complete lack of visibility in sections. There were also large sections of the trail where massive trees had crashed down during the storm and had to be cleared away.

I didn't think to run with a head lamp and did not even use any reflective gear since I wasn't planning on being anywhere near roads. I have a wide selection of neon and other brightly colored work out clothes, trust me, you cannot miss me when I run down the road. However, when the weather turns like this they're completely covered up by my all-black rain-proof gear (whoopsies!).

Another storm has rolled in and I opted to get my fitness on indoors for the rest of the week to avoid an falling trees or sunsets. Turns out, I wasn't the only one to think of this brilliant idea and finding some personal space wasn't the easiest task in one of the country's fittest cities. Even out in the suburbs people are flocking to the gyms for their of rainy day entertainment.

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