Saturday, February 8, 2014

BOSU Butt Kicker

Friday's workout was one that I can't wait to do over and over again. I grabbed a BOSU Ball, a couple of weights and got to work. If any of you haven't tried working out with a BOSU I highly recommend it! They're great for introducing instability to your current workout which helps engage your core and makes your muscles work a bit harder to achieve the same result that would normally be easier.

In your squats hold your weights the way you normally would and make sure to stand on the black surface with the circular half facing downwards.

For the horizontal chops you should feel like you're practicing your golf swing! I used a 15lb dumbbell and stood on the black top of the BOSU the same way I did with my squats. Keep your knees slightly bent and the right horizontal chops should feel like your back swing (stopping half-way through), while the left chops should feel like your follow through after you connect with the ball. Assuming you're a righty that is! If you're left handed, then all you need to do is reverse the two; left chops being your back swing and right chops the follow through.

Keep the BOSU in the same position for the push ups, putting your hands on the black top.

Flip the BOSU over for the straddle hops. Start with one foot on either side and squeeze them together when you jump, landing with feet together in the center of the BOSU before bouncing back off to the starting position. That's one.

Keep the squishy side up for the plank to pushes. Start in a plank with your forearms resting parallel on the BOSU. Extend and lift your left arm, placing your hand on the BOSU where your forearm used to be. Do the same with your right arm. Now return, one side at a time, to your original position with your forearms balancing you on the BOSU. That's one.

Flip the BOSU over once more and lay down next to it propping your feet on the black surface with your knees bent. Proceed to lift your booty up and lower it back down like a normal glute bridge.

For your wall sits, treat them like normal but stand on the flat surface of the BOSU as you do it.

Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did!

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