Thursday, January 2, 2014

Resolution Run 2014: Bad Days Make For Good Runs

Some days seem stacked against you. Some times, you're doing it to yourself, other times the universe  is simply out to get you.

I my case it had been a couple weeks with not enough sleep that turned everything foul. When my tendinitis returned after my four mile run on the 31st was when I truly became a grump. My sour disposition didn't help any, either. So when I had missed early packet pick up for what is typically my favorite race of the year I was plenty annoyed to discover I had to arrive an hour and a half before the race started to get my number. I know I normally show up that early for any race but it's because I want to, not because I have to. When hundreds of people are forced to arrive that early it's hard to find parking, let alone find a calm spot to warm up.

I arrived fairly early for pick up and got a parking spot right next to the finish, since I had a quick turn around after the race to get to work this was kind of stressing me out. I had mt ankle all taped up and I was doing my best to keep lose before the starting gun went off. It wasn't until I actually began running that I realized how beautiful the day was.

The sun was shining and the water was sparkling. It was 45 degrees both on land and in the water, a fact more important to the people planning their polar bear dive for the end of the race than for me personally. I may run the race every year but I still think the people who jump in the lake are the crazy.

I started the run off strong and my bad mood began to dissipate as I rounded the playing fields. It wasn't until I was around 1.5 miles into the race when I realized how fast I was actually going.

All those fartleks I've been doing recently paid off! I was able to keep it going and actually set a new PR! It was the first time since high school my 5k time was under 30 minutes; I was thrilled! I was sad to run the race without my dad for the first time ever but I made sure to call him the second I crossed the finish line.

It really is amazing how a run can completely turn around your entire day. I went from being a royal grouch to someone with a smile you couldn't sandblast away. That's one of the things I love about running, no matter how complicated life gets running is simple, just put one foot in front of the other until you're done. The longer you go the better you'll feel, I guarantee it. Not always right away, mind you, sometimes your muscles are tight, or you're sore or gasping for air, but you will feel refreshed, renewed, lighter.

As always, loving my new race shirt!

Shirt: Resolution Run 2014
Pants: Under Armour

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