Friday, August 1, 2014

Booty Rehab

When I hurt my back I had to stop squatting as heavy as I used to. Knowing I'd never reach a new max was a huge bummer. I decided to take some time off from the weights all together to see if that might heal me up. But I didn't realize how much good those weights had been doing until my runners' knee came back during my training runs and I had to ditch the trail for a stationary bike. That was another low blow to my ego since I used to be able to run no matter what other training I had been doing.

I hadn't worked out like I should have nearly enough during that first bit of summer because of all the set backs and the traveling my family was doing as well as the extra hours I had been working. Then came the "Oh No" moment. The girls and I went up to spend the weekend at the beach and when we came home I was going through all the photos and saw one of me in a swimsuit. It wasn't like I had packed on the pounds or anything like that, but I had lost nearly all of the muscle I had built up over the winter! I hadn't noticed it because, frankly, I don't spend enough time around mirrors and my clothes were still fitting. But that was not my hard earned booty in those photos, it was the butt of someone who doesn't work out!

My Oh-No Moment from July 6th, 2014
The bit of a muffin top wasn't helping matters, either

That was the moment I knew I had to get my rear in gear and back under the weights. Unfortunately I didn't see these photos right away or I would have started right then! I drew up a new schedule that had me running and lifting like crazy and since I didn't have any classes going on during the summer I had more than enough time to spend in the gym.

I'll be posting my workouts each day so feel free to follow along with me! I'll be throwing in outfit inspiration occasionally, as well, because who doesn't like to look cute? Even if they are covered in sweat...

Swimsuit Separates: Target

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