Friday, December 20, 2013

Arm Burners

After Wednesday's leg workout we were each a little sore but we agreed not to let it stop us from showing up again on Thursday! My best friend, Ela, needed a break from the arc trainer and opted for a 5k on the treadmill instead.

While she was working up a sweat I was camped out on a mat working on my flexibility. After stretching for 25 minutes I got into a deep straddle to stretch a bit more while I waited for my friend to finish her warm up. I kept inching my legs further and further back until IT happened. I got stuck! I was completely unable to move and too proud to ask a random gym member for help. So I waited for Ela to join me. And waited. And waited. After what felt like an eternity, but was really only ten minutes (I stretch with a stopwatch) she finally found me trapped on the floor. Lucky for me she had no trouble picking up my feet and bringing them back together so I could get up.

Only trouble was, my legs were to wibbly-wobbly to support me! I looked like a total goof as I tried to stand up and gather my stuff. Even hours later my family commented on how funny I was walking. Whoops! Guess I had a little too much stretching after all!

Fortunately for me it wasn't legs day and I was still able to make it through our arms workout!

This was a tough one and the final round really kicked our butts but we agreed we wanted to keep doing it until it was easy! Glad I made another keeper for us to rotate though!

We used 5lb dumbbells for the arm raises and a 10lb ball for the wallballs. A 15lb kettlebell and 25lbs on the rope pull downs rounded out the circuit.

Let me know what you think of this one if you give it a try yourself!

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