Saturday, December 14, 2013

"Rest Day"

After much debate and several sleepless nights I finally went in to see a doctor to figure out what was up with this whole not getting better thing. I had typed my symptoms into webmd and they told me it could pretty much be anything from allergies to cancer so when the doc said sinus infection my first question was, "So, can I still run?" Turns out, intensive cardiovascular activity makes sinus infections worse. Ooopsie! The doctor actually told me to take the rest of the week (and most of next week) off. Total bummer. On the other hand, pushing it too hard too quickly could turn this into pneumonia, making what I've got now seem like a minor annoyance so I'll take her advice and get a little rest. But the second I'm good to go I'll be back with a vengeance. After all, seven days of rest make one weak! And there is a massive difference between looking fit and being fit. I'd prefer the latter so I'm giving myself some rest, for now.

Or so I thought...when I got a text from one of my very best friends saying she was in need of a sweat session I couldn't help but join in. She had mentioned only ever joining me for arms days so I tried to mix it up a bit and work a little of everything for her. I had her begin with 30 minutes on the arc trainer at level 10 (that puts her resistance at 45) and I joined her after the cardio was done.

I was inspired to throw some of these in thanks to scrolling through the instagram account of the fabulous Shauna Harrison. She's one of the inspiring women sponsored by Under Armour and has a PhD in Public Health. She also posts great exercises to her instagram in both photo and video form.

Just a heads up, this is killer on your wrists so if you've been having any problems with them, you might want to ease up or save it for another day!

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