Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sick and Still Lifting

So after being told I was simply suffering from a sinus infection and was not contagious and would get better with time and rest I went about life as usual. I went out with friends nearly every night; it's remarkable how much more free time I have now that I'm not allowed to run until I'm all better. I went to see The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug (it was, hands down, the best one yet), I spent time with the grandparents, I went Christmas shopping,  attended dinner parties. And slowly but surely began to feel better. Then, it happened. Monday morning I received a call from the doctor saying they had made a mistake and I did have strep throat after all. Not only that but I was incredibly contagious. I had been running around like Typhoid Mary for weeks. When my boss heard she ordered me to stay home for a couple days despite my claims to feeling better than I had the week before.

After a couple days of antibiotics I was finally allowed back to work but not before being reminded how much I hate being lazy. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I want nothing more than to crash on the sofa and binge watch tv but on most days I'd rather be out getting fresh air and bouncing around at the gym, park, with my dogs, family or friends. When "relaxation" is forced on me it's not so relaxing after all. I was restless the whole time and did not even manage to enjoy my time off.

Lucky for me, I'm still allowed to work out, at least a little. And my workout buddy was happy to hear it, too!

Today we started off the same as last time, 30 minutes of her on the arc trainer and me stretching.

You might notice I've been throwing calf raises in more often but I've found that without running all the time I've been losing the definition in my legs - so not ok! I may not be able to run yet but that doesn't mean I can let the muscles atrophy!

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