Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Coming!

Saturday started with a late morning and meeting Ela at the gym a little before noon. She hoped on a treadmill and busted out 2.5 miles while I stretched out. So far there is only a tiny bit of progress in terms of my flexibility but I haven't gotten stuck again so I'm looking at the little victories. It was legs and core day for us so I wrote up a workout we'll probably change if we're going to use it again; it was a bit harder to remember than I meant it to be!

 Next time I would make all the abs exercises the same number of reps so we can remember it easier but otherwise it was a great workout!

After our morning workout we dashed home to get ready for our friend's annual cookie decorating party! We had a blast demonstrating our sometimes horrific, sometimes not completely awful, decorating skills. No matter how many we make we never seem to get any better! Oh well, at least we had a good time!

I'm wearing 4 inch heels and everyone else is in flats!

You all know I'm a big supporter of clean eating and cookies don't exactly fall into that particular category but there are ways to make it work. I made sure to eat a big meal before I got to the party so I wasn't hungry for anything. Most times you think you're hungry your body is actually trying to signal to you that it needs to be re-hydrated so try drinking some water or tea before heading straight to the snacks! I should have kept my water bottle with me so I could reach for that instead of a cookie if I felt a craving. Great sweet treats I've found to curb cravings are fruits. For example: apples are low in calories but high in fiber so they fill you up without weighing you down. They're also great for your skin and digestive system.

All in all, Saturday was a splendid start to the weekend and Christmas Week!

Sweater: Ralph Lauren
Jeans: Joe's

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